Monday, December 14, 2009

Writer's Block

I'm not really a huge fan, I must say.

I hate starting something, and really liking it but then getting to a point where I just don't know what else to say but I know it's nowhere near finished. That getting stuck, writer's block feeling is the absolute worst.

I need some music to get me out of this fix.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's almost 2 am, and I find myself unable to fall asleep. So, I figured, "hey, why not blog about it?" Then I decided, if I blogged all about my inability to sleep, I would be a very boring person indeed. So, instead, I'll just type and see where my mind takes me.

Eh. Christmas is coming up! So much shopping to do, so little time. I'm definitely looking forward to Winter Break though, and seeing my extended family, and having cupcakes and tons of sleepovers. Ahh, life is good.

Let's see, I have to make cookies for our Portuguese Club Christmas Party on Friday, and then get ready for having the four best friends over right after. Oh dear, so much to doooo. I need to start making myself a list or something.

I still have six tests to make up from being absent but sadly my afternoons are typically filled with bowling matches and various clubs. I don't know when I'm going to fit all of this innn. Oh gosh.

Hmm. Hootie and the Blowfish is trying to sing me to sleep right now. <3
I approve, I approve greatly. :)


It's pouring right now.

Like, literally raining buckets.

I'm thrilled. :]

Friday, December 4, 2009


After battling sickness for ten weeks now, I had surgery today. I actually woke up this morning in a fantastic mood, the best I've felt in the past few weeks, physically and emotionally, minus the thirst and hunger of course. And even at the surgery center, the nurses questioned my sanity as they deemed me much too happy for a teenager in my position, but honestly I felt like I was walking on air. It may have had a bit to do with the cute good luck texts I received from a certain best friend and a certain "husband" of mine, but also, I just felt like I was finally doing better.

I'm not silly enough or naive enough to believe that I had gotten any better over night, however, seeing as I've had this feeling a number of times over these weeks and I always end up going full circle.

After the surgery I woke up to a screaming pain in my side and a cramping in my stomach, droopy eyes with the inability to swallow, but naturally, all I wished for was a bite to eat. Nothing a soft pretzel and some chicken pot pie soup couldn't fix, I might add.

I'm feeling much better at the moment, minus the still sore throat and inability to swallow, but that I can deal with. And hopefully soon enough, all will be figured out and I'll be healthy once again.

I leave you now on this note, goodnight, dear readers [though I know you are few and far between], and I shall blog again soon. :]