Monday, May 3, 2010

Kyleigh's Law

There are some aspects to Kyleigh's law that I agree with and many that I do not. In general though, I don't feel that it's fair to target an entire teenage population over mistakes some teenagers make. Not all teenagers drive recklessly, with too many passengers in the car, talking on the phone, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. All teenagers shouldn't be punished for the mistakes some foolish teenagers make.

Having a decal on your car to make you an easy target for police and for predators is indeed, a stupid idea, for lack of a better word. You are then advertising to the entire general public that you may be a 17 or 18 year old girl or boy driving alone at night and sometimes brought a friend along with you. Stupid.

It's also not fair for parents who rely on you to drive sibling back and forth to school or work or friends houses when they are unavailable. With this law in full effect, this will no longer be possible seeing as only one other person is allowed in the car with you as you drive.

From the very beginning this law was unfair. Why? The girl that this law was made in honor of died because she made a stupid decision. Yeah, her friend shouldn't have been drinking, and certainly shouldn't have gotten behind the wheel afterward, but Kyleigh shouldn't have gotten in the car. It was a stupid decision on her part, and now the rest of us have to pay? All teenagers aren't as reckless and stupid as she was, and we shouldn't be punished because of a mistake she made. I don't think her parents realize she is at fault in this situation too, not just the driver.

All in all I don't agree with this law, only because privileges are being taken away from people who don't deserve to lose them.

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