Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Birthday Bash?

To start off, today is my birthday, which I guess, is the one and only day of the year where it's okay to be a little self-centered and a little egotistical. In all actuality, I don't see my birthday as anything special, as a day different than any other and I don't see why it should be treated as such. I appreciate the gifts and the hugs and the well wishes, I really do, in fact they put a huge smile on my face for most of the day, I just don't really understand why. You should celebrate being alive everyday, not just on the one day of the year you were born. But like I said, even though I don't see much of a point in celebrating the day, I did quite in enjoy the day. For the most part, anyway.

Now, my day didn't start in exactly an ideal way. It actually started with a bit of an emotional breakdown on the way to school, but I guess that's bound to happen when your mother claims you hate her and calls you a horrible person first thing in the morning. A great way to start the day. My day did get better once I got to school though. It was a little creepy knowing a few of my friends were in my locker, but a nice gesture nonetheless. I came to school to find candy, cards, gifts, and Morgan Freeman sitting atop my books. I guess it would do good to clear up and add, that Morgan Freeman wasn't really in my locker, although that would've been sure to put a smile on my face. Instead, a picture of him was taped to the door with a quote by him hanging above it. It said "If you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving." This alone made me incredibly happy.

I opened a song that my best friend wrote me next, and I almost cried right there in the middle of the hallway, it was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. Next I opened a card from her mom, who is basically my second mother. And it was again, one of the sweetest things I could ever hope to receive, and my heart loves the fact that I'm such a big part in their family. Next I opened the card from said best friends cousin, who is one of my favorite people on this earth and his card brought a huge smile to my face. I opened his mom's card next, which sang and made me giggle, and on the inside she wrote "You are truly a wonderful person. I am blessed to have you in both of our lives. Love, -boy's mom- and -boy-." I must say, I did tear up at that last one. I feel like the lucky one to have all of them in my life.

I did actually have a bit of a breakdown during first period, because with the lights out and everyone working quietly around me, my mind began to wander, and I thought back to the cards with the cute sayings and all the I love you's... and I had ask to go to the bathroom so I didn't lose it in the middle of class.

The rest of the day was slow, until lunch when the aforementioned best friend brought out two cookie cakes that her mom had made me for my birthday. Did I mention I absolutely love her family? Because I do. Her entire family. My lord. <3

I honestly don't know where I'd be without them, and now that I've been obnoxiously sappy, I leave you on this note.

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